I went pretty much inactive in 2019, and just recently got bitten by the RC bug again. My workshop had been re-purposed for other things, and most of my RC stuff was sold or put away. In April of this year, my oldest son came to visit a few days. We flew a little bit, went to a fly-in and a swap meet, and my interest in RC aviation returned. I got busy and worked in my workshop space, and got things back in order. I'm now active in the local club (RDRC) again, and having a blast. Here's a few pics of the shop...
I found a bunch of patches from days gone by, when I was an officer in the Wilson R/C Modelers and in Raleigh Durham RC.
Among other things, I found an old banner from the now defunct Hobby Lobby. My oldest son Chris worked for them a few years. We used this banner at fly-ins.
That scroll saw on the far left, and the belt sander in the middle, has been used to build many airplanes over the last 35+ years. http://www.RCDAVE.net