Debbie got this for me on my birthday, in 2016. I still have it, and it still flies great with the little built-in 3.7vdc 800mah internal battery. This is a basic entry level drone without GPS, but it does have a 3mp camera built in, and streams back to the phone on WiFi.
It flies about 8-10 minutes on a charge. After poking around a bit, I see where folks are piggy-backing a 12mah 1 cell battery on the bottom and pushing flights out to about 15 minutes. This thing is a blast to fly in the yard. Gotta figure out how to have my phone not disconnect from it and reconnect to the home WiFi when the signal from the drone is a little sketchy. Once I get up near the top of my ham radio tower, it tries to reconnect to the home WiFi and stops recording...trivial, and I haven't put my effort into a fix :-) I guess I could just delete the home WiFi log in stuff from the phone when I'm playing with it...just an idea.
Considering my lame drone flying skills, this sweetie will keep me entertained for a long time. It's easy to fly, hovers nicely, does a few stunts, and is pretty fast. Below are also a few cheesy videos I made with it...