I cut a piece a bit bigger than the surface I plan to cover, and allow it to overlap the hinge line a little.
I seal it down along the edge of the fuse first, then pull lightly towards the tip, and seal along that area. I then pulled lightly along the leading edge and tacked that down, then pulled towards the hinge line and tacked down into the hinge line with the elevator deflected fully away from area I was covering. I work my way along the hinge line, forcing the covering down into the hinge line and back up onto the elevator's leading edge. I trim the rear edge of the covering to allow about 1/4" overlap up and onto the elevator, trim the remainder of the edges, and seal all edges down. I use the heat gun very close (about 1" from the surface) in a circular motion to shring the covering, then use the iron to seal it to the interior structure for additional strength.
I covered and shrunk the elevator bottom, and it turned out pretty good.
I re-installed the servo into the fuse side, and secured it with screws. I can't re-attach the linkage to the elevator just yet, the top of the elevator needs to be covered first.
OK, time for bed. I flipped the airplane over and up onto it's landing gear, getting it ready to cover the top of the stab.
We're under some hurricane conditions here from Hurricane Matthew, so I'll probably work on this more if I keep power on at my home. This baby will be ready to fly soon!