While trying to resurrect my fleet of old birds, I pulled down my old Butterfly. It was an ARF from Green Models, and I've had it about 7 years and have logged a lot of time on it during that time. It flys on a 2 cell 800mah lipo, and will get 30 minute flights on that setup, easily. The motor is a Hobby-Lobby AM400XTm and seems to be a perfect match for it. On days that are extremely calm with some lift, I'll fly it with a 400mah lipo to make it even lighter. With the 800mah pack, it weighs about 15oz.. With a 47" span and 300" of wind area, it's a real floater.
About 30 minutes into the flight at sunset last night, the rudder servo failed and it got into a light spin. I killed the power and it floated down and into the tall grass at the flying field with no damage. I replaced the servo when I got back home, and she's ready to go again. You can find these on the Maxford website at
http://www.Maxfordusa.com .